Live-Action/CG Pink Panther In The Works


by James White |
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As one of the people who helped bring this year's Sonic The Hedgehog back from the brink total mockery after a terrible reaction to the first trailer, Jeff Fowler naturally feels like someone who can tackle another live-action, CG hybrid. In this case, he's on to direct The Pink Panther.

Not another take on the Peter Sellers/Steve Martin Inspector Clouseau stories, this will instead be the cartoon character who got his start in the original film's opening credits. It evolved from there to an Oscar-winning animated short, before the TV series launched in 1964.

Bad Boys For Life co-writer Chris Bremner is on script duty, and the new movie will be a modern re-imagining of the Panther story with live-action humans and a CG Panther – so take that as you will. Fowler is also attached to a Sonic sequel, which is something few people imagined happening when the first images of the character arrived...

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