Almost ever since the animated film of Katsuhiro Otomo's seminal manga series Akira was released in 1988 there has been talk of a possible live action version. Bloody Disgusting is now reporting that Warner Bros have hired a director for the oft-rumoured movie in order to beat the impending strike (which they're going to have to be pretty swift about now).
The job of bringing to life the post-apocalyptic thriller of creepy psychics and biker gangs will apparently go to Irish director Ruari Robinson. Robinson hasn't directed any features, but you can watch his highly atmospheric short Silent City here{
There was word back in 2003 that Stephen Norrington (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) would direct from a script by James Robinson, but we have to say that, despite his inexperience, this Robinson sounds a more interesting choice.
What do you think? Should Akira be removed from its animated world at all?