Lionsgate Has A One Night Stan

New comedy from Harold & Kumar team

Lionsgate Has A One Night Stan

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on

In the wake of The Hangover, it's once again clear that comedies do well if they have a strong concept rather than a big-name star attached. So say hello to One Night Stan, just bought for production by Lionsgate with Jon Hurwitz and Hayden Schlossberg, the team behind Harold and Kumar, prepared to direct.

The story concerns a guy, called Stan, who's about to get married but is distressed to learn that the woman he loves has had more sexual partners than he has. Because of course it's a game of numbers and we should judge people on that basis. So she gives him a pass for one night to go and catch up - but things don't go according to plan as he tries desperately to get laid.

It's all been written by Josh Friedlander, who's also working on Camp Morningwood, which McG is producing, and The Art of Cool. Horwitz and Schlossberg, meanwhile, are also working on Grandma Vs. Grandma (which we envisage as being a little like King Kong vs. Godzilla) and Till Beth Do Us Part. There's no word yet on which of those will come first, so don't hold your breath for this one just yet.

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