“It’s Like Buffy, But Scary”

Exclusive: Whedon update on Goners

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Post Serenity, Joss Whedon is a very busy man. Not only is he currently up to his eyes in the screenplay for Wonder Woman, but he's sold his script for Goners along the way. The problem is, while everybody knows the story of the hotpant-sporting superheroine, no one seems to know owt about Whedon's other project.

"I'm keeping it all pretty close to my chest at the moment," Whedon told Empire. "I'm something of a blabbermouth. What I will say is that it ventures more into the horrific than I normally tend to. I love horror movies but I looked back on Buffy and I was like 'Oh, we forgot to make it scary.' It was occasionally scary but I got so wrapped up in the emotions and people and things that I missed the horror aspect. Goners comes back to that a little bit."

Plot-wise, all Whedon will divulge is that it's about a young woman, and involves heoics. Not a million miles from Buffy, Serenity or even Wonder Woman. So what's with the archetype appeal?

"You know, I don't really know. It's the kind of story I like to tell and I'm going to keep telling it until somebody tells me to stop. I'm not sure what aspect of its appeals to me, it's just something that's in me it's just something I identify with, something I idealise. It's Something that I don't see enough, that I find fascinating and uplifting. Anything that's uplifting and sexy I feel is a good thing."

Wonder Woman is tentatively scheduled for 2007, with Goners slated for later this year but as for which will actually hit our screens first, it's all down to the suits in Hollywood at this point. "I've sold one script and I'm working on the other at the moment. I don't know which will come first, it's really which studio is the most interested in making one of them."

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