Liam Neeson On For Action Thriller Retribution

Taken 2 Swipes US Box-Office Crown

by James White |
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There comes a point in Liam Neeson's action hero career where you start to want to play madlibs with the situations his characters find them in. And this time, he's riffing on Speed with a remake of 2015 Spanish thriller El Desconocido, with Nimród Antal in the director's chair.

Chris Salmanpour and Andrew Baldwin wrote the adaptation, which will see Neeson as a businessman who discovers that an unknown assailant has planted a bomb in the car in which he and his family are travelling. If Neeson's driver doesn't carry out a series of commands, things will get explodey.

And in case you're wondering where Neeson's regular action collaborator Jaume Collet-Serra has gone, he's still involved, just as a producer, while Studiocanal is backing the film, which we assume will feature a lot of Neeson shouting on the phone.

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