Leslie Mann replacing Jennifer Aniston in The Comedian

Leslie Mann

by James White |
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Just when it looked like Jennifer Aniston and Robert De Niro would be sharing the screen for indie pic The Comedian comes news that she's had to drop out for scheduling reasons. Never fear, though, as Leslie Mann is stepping into her role.

The movie’s story will apparently feature the King Of Comedy star as a toxic club comic looking to get a little balance back in his life. Mann is taking over the role of a woman he meets at a wedding and with whom he develops a close relationship. She has real-life experience to draw from when interacting with comics, since she herself has no small comedy flair and spends a lot of time around funny people as Judd Apatow's wife.

Parker's Taylor Hackford is in the director’s chair, working from a script that has seen work from Richard LaGravanese, Lewis Friedman, Art Linson and coemdian Jeffrey Ross. He plans to start the cameras rolling in New York in the next few weeks. Mann, who last showed up in Vacation, is part of the cast for How To Be Single, which will be out here on February 19.

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