The Lego Movie 2 Tops The US Box Office

The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part

by James White |
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It might not have been quite the sensation that the first Lego Movie quickly became, but the sequel – The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part – still managed to top the US box office despite launching below expectations with $34.4 million.

While the original kicked off with a more awesome $69 million, the second film settled with roughly half that, which was still enough to win the weekend. What Men Want, a gender-swapped take on 2000's What Women Want, which in this case stars Taraji P. Henson, took second place, earning $19 million. Third was Liam Neeson's latest, Cold Pursuit, which may have seen a hit after some questionable comments he made regarding race and revenge in an interview last week. The story of a man seeking vengeance for his son's death landed with a thud in third, making $10.8 million.

The Upside fell to fourth, taking in $7.2 million, ahead of previous reigning champ Glass, which slipped to fifth on $6.4 million. At sixth, we find the week's fourth new arrival, horror tale The Prodigy earned $6 million, which represents its budget before marketing costs.

Green Book dipped one place to seventh with $3.5 million, while Aquaman was at eighth, making $3.3 million. Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse also took a hit, slipping to ninth with $3 million. Finally, Miss Bala toppled to 10th from third, adding $2.7 million to its domestic total, which now stands at $11.8 million.

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