Ever quoted the phrase “Turn on, tune in, drop out”? The man you have to thank is Timothy Leary. Thanking him in person would be rather hard, since he died in 1996, but now you’ll be able to find out about his life and work in handy motion picture format, compliments of Miramax.
The company has snapped up the rights to Robert Greenfield’s Timothy Leary: A Biography and hired The Hoax’s Bill Wheeler to adapt it.
The book – which, like so many tomes grabbed by the studios, doesn’t actually hit bookshops until June –chronicles Leary’s life from his days as a Harvard professor to 1960’s counterculture icon. A proponent of the research and use of drugs such as LSD, he became a hero to many and nuisance to the government, who considered him a rebel and a dangerous influence.
His death was videotaped at his request and he was buried in space- with his remains sharing rocket-space with such luminaries as Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry. Forget A Beautiful Mind… This could be greatest biopic ever!