Latest Nope Trailer Reveals More About Jordan Peele’s New Horror


by James White |
Updated on

If Jordan Peele had his way, there would probably not be any teasers, trailers or even pictures released ahead of his movies – you'd simply go into it knowing the title and nothing else. But the long-established realities of film promotion mean that's not a possibility, so here we are with the final trailer for Nope. The truly spoiler adverse will want to skip this one, but for everyone else, here you go...

Nope is set on a horse ranch somewhere in California where siblings (played by Daniel Kaluuya and Keke Palmer) run the place with their father (Keith David). They supply trained horses to the film industry and rodeos (such as the one hosted by Steven Yeun's character).

When some mysterious presence in the sky starts affecting their lives and their livelihoods — and kills their dad – they're scared but also spot a chance to cash in if they can capture what they perceive to be alien activity on camera. They rope in a tech head (Brandon Perea) and a friend from the film industry (Michael Wincott), but of course it all leads to some nasty things happening...

Given that this comes from Peele, there will be much more to it than that, and we're looking forward to discovering exactly what when the film lands in the UK on 12 August. Stateside audiences will learn a little earlier, as it arrives there on 22 July, and you can find the US trailer (with some different footage) below.

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