Last Exorcism Trailer Online

The power of Eli compels you

Last Exorcism Trailer Online

by Owen Williams |
Published on

"From producers of Dawn of the Dead", it says. Not all of them. Just a couple. But amusing sales tactics aside, see what you think of the trailer for **The Last Exorcism, up exclusively at Ain't it Cool News.

"Save my daughter"; twisting heads; gutteral snarling; gravity-defying crawling... All boxes ticked, although the twist here is that it's a Blair Witch / Cloverfield, hand-held, supposedly found-footage affair, presenting a documentary intended to expose a fraudulent exorcist. Spoiler: it goes wrong.

In Robert Rodriguez style, it's Eli Roth's name that's all over this, but the director is actually Daniel Stamm, who made the similarly docco-tinged A Necessary Death a couple of years ago.

Horror-hounds may be put off by The Last Exorcism's PG-13 rating, but that didn't harm Drag Me To Hell too badly, did it? It's out in the UK on September 3.

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