Lashana Lynch Joins The Matilda Musical Movie

Lashana Lynch

by James White |
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Having been a skilled pilot in Captain Marvel and set to kick much arse in No Time To Die, Lashana Lynch is looking at a very different role for a new job: playing Miss Honey in the Netflix-backed musical Matilda movie.

The film, which Matthew Warchus is on to direct following his work bringing the Roald Dahl adaptation to stage, will follow a gifted girl, who uses her powers of telekinesis to overcome bullies, including her family and her school's principal, and protect her friends. Lynch's Honey is the kindly teacher that encourages Matilda and her gifts.

Playwright Dennis Kelly and music and lyrics composer Tim Minchin are also involved in the film, which will be released in the UK by Sony's TriStar arm, before it heads to Netflix.

No Time To Die, meanwhile, is currently scheduled to arrive on 2 April.

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