Karen Gillan And Aaron Paul On For Sci-Fi Thriller Dual

Karen Gillan, Aaron Paul

by James White |
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Karen Gillan is no stranger to sci-fi concepts, especially after her stint on Doctor Who and her time in the MCU. And Aaron Paul more recently dipped into the world of tech trouble with Westworld. They're both now adding to their SF CVs with Dual.

Riley Stearns wrote the script and is gearing up to direct the film, which will see Gillan playing two roles. Why? She's playing a woman who, after receiving a terminal diagnosis, opts for a cloning procedure to ease her loss on her friends and family. When she makes a miraculous recovery, her attempts to have her clone decommissioned fail and lead to a court-mandated duel to the death.

Clones haven't exactly had the best time of it at the box office recently (Gemini Man being a prime example), but it's still an intriguing idea, and Stearns has rounded up a cast that also includes Beulah Koale and Martha Kelly, plus Jesse Eisenberg, who starred for Stearns in The Art Of Self Defense, though he'll just be making a guest appearance here.

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