Jon Snow And Co. Are In Trouble In The New Game Of Thrones Images

Game Of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6

by James White |
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If you watched last week's episode of Game Of Thrones, (and you can read our review here) you'll know that a group of characters headed out on a dangerous, chilly mission. If you didn't watch last week's episode of Game Of Thrones, then what are you doing reading this? Go watch it! Everyone else, enjoy new images from episode seven, Beyond The Wall.


Thrones episode titles are often descriptive, but this one is certainly evocative, as Jon Snow (Kit Harrington) and his motley band of brothers (well, the Brotherhood Without Banners, plus Joe Dempsie's Gendry, Kristofer Hivju's Tormund, Rory McCann's Sandor "The Hound" Clegane and Iain Glen's Jorah Mormont) head out into the frosty wastes on what seems to be a suicidal mission: track down, subdue and return with one of the Night King's Wights "alive" to show everyone in Westeros that the threat from the Army of the Dead is very real. It's pretty much this{ =nofollow}.

Will it go well for them? What do you think? We'd figure that not everyone is making it back alive, but the series is naturally being careful to avoid any big spoilers. Still: Beric Dondarrion (Richard Dormer) has his giant, flaming sword, so that'll help at least. But there's not much left of this season, so anything can happen...

Beyond The Wall, Thrones' sixth episode of its seventh season, will be on screens this Sunday, with the usual repeat on Monday.

Game Of Thrones Season 7: Everything You Need To Know

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