John Ortiz Tackles AVP 2

Joins the alien action thriller

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After dealing drugs and suffering the wrath of Crockett and Tubbs, Miami Vice’s John Ortiz must think he can handle anything.

He’s leapt aboard the Alien Vs Predator sequel, now subtitled Survival Of The Fittest. Half Nelson’s Shareeka Epps and The OC’s Johnny Lewis have also joined the cast as new information about the plot has started to arrive.

The new movie will be set in a picturesque American small town, which suddenly becomes a war zone when a pissed off Predator and a mob of deadly aliens arrives. Epps is playing Kendra, a young girl who has to look out for her younger sibling. Ortiz is the town’s sheriff and Lewis is a troubled kid who will likely find a reason to behave once the extra-terrestrial rabble-rousers show up.

Greg and Colin Strause are about to start directing the movie for release next year.

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