James Mangold Reportedly Taking Over Indiana Jones 5 From Steven Spielberg

James Mangold, Steven Spielberg

by James White |
Updated on

Here's a shocker – according to Variety, Steven Spielberg is ready to step back from directing an Indiana Jones film, looking to hand the directorial reins off to someone else. That someone? Le Mans '66 (AKA Ford V Ferrari)__ and Logan director James Mangold.

The trade mag's sources say that the deal is not yet official, but that Mangold is in talks to take on the mammoth job. And this is not a decision to take lightly, but one that Spielberg has set up so as to pass the baton to a new director so as to bring some fresh perspective to the series. He will, however, remain very involved as a producer.

Harrison Ford is still attached to return as Indy, and the film has been in development for a while, burning through different drafts of the script in an attempt to recapture the magic of the first three films. (Yes, yes, we know, there is... another).

However it ends up, the fifth movie is scheduled to land on 9 July 2021, and Mangold certainly has the chops to pull off something great if he's given the chance. Now we wait to see if this is officially confirmed...

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