James Franco Off To Oz?

Depp's out. He could be in...

James Franco Off To Oz?

by James White |
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We’re getting to the point now where we feel like James Franco is pulling an elaborate, Keyser Soze-esque trick on the world in general by becoming attached to so many projects at once (not to mention his hobbies, writing gigs, directing work, college and much more) that no living human could do it all. Of course, that’s the point – he’s generating heat and every director/studio is eager to have him in their movie, so naturally he’s been approached for everything. But the latest news comes as Sam Raimi is looking for someone to star in Oz, The Great and Powerful, and may just be reaching out to his old **Spider-Man franchise actor.

“But wait!” we hear your cry with plaintive tongue. “Wasn’t Johnny Depp already considering that one, and talked up as the man to replace Robert Downey Jr?” True, but according to the Heat Vision Blog’s sources, Depp passed at the weekend.

So now Raimi, who gave Franco his first major role as Harry Osborn, is likely hoping that the actor will agree to step into the role of a young illusionist transported to Oz when his hot air balloon is caught in a tornado.

It’s still very early days – there have apparently been no official negotiations and Franco’s schedule is awfully crammed right now. But while the Oz pic is a high priority for Disney, the slow crawl through development means it has yet to secure an actual start date or release slot just yet…

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