Indiana Jones IV Has Started Shooting

It's officially definitely happening

Indiana Jones IV Has Started Shooting

by empire |
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After years of rumours and rejected scripts and false starts, Steven Spielberg started filming on Indiana Jones IV yesterday, so it's absolutely definitely going ahead - barring acts of God or Harrison Ford doing his back in or Steven Spielberg banging his head on a boom and losing his memory or something equally awful.

Admittedly the casting announcements in recent months haven't left us in much doubt about the determination of those involved to make this and make it good, but it's still good to hear that the cry of Action has gone up and things are definitely underway. Filming is due to go on for the rest of the summer, before the movie goes into post-production for a May 22, 2008 release date (but of course you knew that date already, right? Everyone else has had it tattooed across their back too, right? Right? Oh no, I've been horribly misled!)

As a little bonus, the site has also posted a video of Shia LaBeouf talking about the character of Indy - although, sadly, not about any plot details for this film, still under more wraps than a burrito warehouse. Heck, they won't even absolutely confirm that LaBeouf is Indy's son, which is just mean. Still, it's kinda cute to see Hollywood's next big thing (trust us, after Transformers, he's gonna be) geeking out over shaking Harrison Ford's hand and seeing the man in costume. Check that out** **here.

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