Ah bless - it seems that even with the cushty plus points of posh dresses and celebrity, benig a teenager is still just as rubbish for film stars as for the rest of us. Harry Potter star Emma Watson is apparently disappointed that her career has got in the way of finding a boyfriend because she simply doesn't have the time. Not because she's got acne or a crippling lack of self-esteem then. In her defence, while most teenagers get to loaf around feeling sorry for themselves, she's been on the go solidly for the last few years. "This is my life: I live two hours from (the Harry Potter studios), in Oxford, so I get up at six in the morning and I'm gone until nine at night, and I do this for eleven months of the year," she says. "And, if I'm not here, I'm back at school trying to catch up on all the work I've missed, playing on all the teams I can get myself onto, and I'm trying to see my family and friends. So boys come pretty low down the list." She adds of her career, "It's restricting. Long hours. I miss my family a lot. But if I had the chance to do it again, in a million years I would always say yes. I'm so lucky." Anybody wanting to date a pretty actress, form an orderly queue...
On My Hermi-Own
Potter star hasn't got time for boys

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