High school can be vicious — and if one ‘80s movie reflected that better than any other, it’s Heathers. While John Hughes was off working out emotional truths and writing feel-good bunk-off fantasies, Michael Lehmann released a murderous pitch-black comedy with a razor-edged script, gifting Winona Ryder and Christian Slater some of their most iconic roles in Veronica and J.D.
To celebrate its 30th anniversary, Heather is being re-released by Arrow Films in a new 4K restoration, with picture as sharp as the cutting dialogue, and there's a brand new poster which we can exclusively reveal below.

Heathers will be back in cinemas from 8 August, while a special BFI event will bring Lehmann and Lisanne Falk, aka Heather McNamara, to the stage for a Q&A. The 4K restoration is getting a home release on 20 August.
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