Gulliver’s Travels Trailer Online

Jack Black finally hits the big time

Gulliver's Travels Trailer Online

by Ali Plumb |
Published on

You might have seen the giant, Jack Black on his back, tied to the ground mega-poster at Cannes, you might have seen the latest vertical version of the very same thing, but chances are you haven’t seen the first actual Gulliver’s Travels trailer, released yesterday.

Black, who is showing his age more than ever these days (**High Fidelity **was a good ten years ago now), seems to be in reasonably good form from what we can see here, though starting with a Star Wars Leia / Luke kissing joke isn’t a great sign.

Otherwise, the other point of note is that this weigh itself very heavily on the time before we he goes on his travels side of things, and not the actual adventures in Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubdrib, and Japan. Ahem. Looks like this is another film adaptation where Gulliver only goes to the country of the tiny people.

So look forward to Jack as a going-nowhere mail clerk trying to flirt with travel editor Darcy (Amanda Peet) – the one who sends him into the Bermuda triangle, and so into Lilliput, in the first place – and not so much with the Jason Segel / Emily Blunt as a princess stuff. Boo.

So, thoughts, ladies and gentlemen? WIll it be a gigantic hit or massive mistake? Answers on a comment box shaped e-postcard as ever, please.

Gulliver will go travelling come December 22.

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