You might have seen the first poster for Jack Black’s latest comedy, **Gulliver’s Travels, when we reported on it from Cannes. But now the official one-sheet has arrived on the magical Interwebs and it’s… Well, if we’re honest, it looks like an advertisement for a Jack Black sex doll that has been radically photoshopped. And if you’ll excuse us, we’ll be taking a long brain-rinse to scrub that image from our minds.
Okay, we’re back and ready to look at the image again. Yes, the film, which also (apparently) features Emily Blunt, Jason Segel, Amanda Peet and The IT Crowd’s Roy himself, Chris O’Dowd, is clearly one of Fox’s big hopes for the year.
We say it *apparently *stars those other actors since neither poster release has offered much evidence yet. Still, maybe the trailer will actually give them some room to shine.
The comedy’s story is roughly based on the first section of Jonathan Swift’s classic satire, finding Black as Lemuel Gulliver, a travel writer who makes the mistake of tangling with the Bermuda Triangle and ends up on the mysterious, undiscovered island of Lilliput. Where, as you can clearly see, the people are tiny and they sell Jack Black sex do…. IT’S BACK IN OUR HEADS.
To see the full high-res version at IMP Awards, click on the image.
Monsters Vs Aliens’ Rob Letterman has made the jump to live action to direct this one in 3D, and it’ll arrive just in time for Christmas, on December 22. Around the time the kiddies will all be wishing for a Jack Black Se…. Stop it!
Cheers to Collider for the spot.