Sadly, this is not a story about delicious, delicious chocolate. No, it's the news that Dustin Lance Black has signed on to write 20th Century Fox's film about the infamous Barefoot Bandit, teen outlaw Colton Harris-Moore. And David Gordon-Green is in talks to direct the film, based on the book Taking Flight, about the strange case.
Harris-Moore was born in 1991 and lived on Camano Island in Washington state. He started living wild at the age of 7, breaking into houses in the area to get food and equipment that he needed, or just to take a hot bath. He taught himself to fly small planes and operate boats, and by the time he was caught earlier this year is thought to have burgled more than 100 different residences and stolen numerous vehicles. He was in fact caught this June in the Bahamas, as he tried to make his way to a non-extradition country.
Since Harris-Moore is still awaiting trial, we suspect that any film of his life story will have to wait until that's over for release, but this pairing means that we're going to be watching out for this one when it does get here. After all, Black wrote Milk, and Green - while he's been working on broad comedies like Pineapple Express and next summer's Your Highness of late - got his start in smart dramas like Undertow and George Washington, so this should be well within his comfort zone.
Now, if you'll forgive us, we have a strange urge to go eat chocolate.