Glenn Close And Kerry Washington Join Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out Mystery

Glenn Close, Kerry Washington

by James White |
Updated on

With the cameras set to roll shortly, we all could have predicted that the casting announcements for writer/director Rian Johnson's third Knives Out film, Wake Up Dead Man, would start with all speed. On the heels of news about Josh O'Connor, Cailee Spaeny and Andrew Scott joining the ensemble, now we have word of Glenn Close and Kerry Washington joining them.

Daniel Craig, of course, is returning to star as southern-fried detective Benoit Blanc, but the specific detail of what sort of mystery he'll be digging into this time is being kept quiet for now. Nor do we know what Close or Washington will be up to in the movie.

We do at least know where they'll all be – Johnson is gearing up to film in London starting next month. The casting drip feed has turned into a torrent, and there no doubt will be more to come…

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