Gerard Butler Turns Mercenary

For Ridley Scott in a fact-based pitch

Gerard Butler Turns Mercenary

by James White |
Published on

Though he’s got several thousand projects sitting impatiently in his development waiting room, wondering just when their number will flash on the LED screen, Ridley Scott has decided to add another potential film to the list, attaching himself to a fact-based mercenary thriller that also boasts Gerard Butler in the lead.

Assuming a studio buys the idea – and with Scott and Butler attached, we figure someone will – Robert Edwards has already been hired to write the script, which will be based on the misadventures of former army officer Simon Mann.

The name might not ring many bells, but he was notable for gathering a group of mercenaries together in an attempt to launch a coup against the president of Equatorial Guinea in 2004. He was arrested when he headed to Zimbabwe to pick up weapons for the job and spent five tough years in prison. After his release, he was sent to Guinea and sentenced to a further 34 years, only to be freed via presidential pardon.

But the news-making part of it all was Mann claiming Mark Thatcher (Aka Mrs Thatcher’s somewhat accident prone sprog) was one of his backers. Thatcher denied ever being involved.

Mann and his wife have apparently been taking meetings in an attempt to drum up interest, and while there’s no deal just yet, we doubt it’ll take too long. As to when (or if) Scott will get around to it? That’s another matter.

Sir Rid is currently hard at work getting sci-fi epic Prometheus ready for release on June 1, 2012.

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