Though the Deadpool sequel is currently experiencing some complications thanks to the departure of director Tim Miller and composer Tom "Junkie XL" Holkenborg, the new movie for Ryan Reynolds' Merc with a Mouth is still going ahead. And according to The Hollywood Reporter's sources, 20th Century Fox is already looking towards a potential third movie.
Buried within a report from the trade magazine about Fox's X-Men universe woes (Hugh Jackman ending his time as Wolverine after next year's Logan, the issue of how to continue the main X-Men universe given the rising cost of its stars and the problems getting Gambit off the ground), is a mention of the studio planning Deadpool 3, with talk of a storyline that would see him appearing alongside the X-Force. That's one of the mutant teams he's worked with in the comics – well, as far as Deadpool ever manages to play nice with others – and indeed the studio already has an X-Force movie in development. That said, despite hiring Kick-Ass 2's Jeff Wadlow to work on a script a couple of years ago, things have been awfully quiet. So perhaps the plan now is to launch the Force with a Deadpool movie appearance and then spin them off on their own.
First, of course, Deadpool 2 has to actually arrive, with Reynolds and writers Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese ironing out the script. The current hot tip for the vacant director's chair is John Wick co-director David Leitch.
In related X-news, it appears that Josh Boone and his New Mutants film might be a source of brighter news for all things mutant, with a potential to kick off shooting next year...