First Look At Whedon’s Dollhouse

Joss’ latest unveiled at last

First Look At Whedon’s Dollhouse

by James Dyer |
Published on

There are many reasons to be excited bout 2009: Avatar, Star Trek and Watchmen, to name but three. One thing that’s had our Spider Sense tingling for quite some time, though, is the triumphant return of Joss Whedon (we are not worthy) to the small screen. Whedon’s his first sojourn into television since the criminally cancelled Firefly, Dollhouse stars Eliza ‘Faith from Buffy’ Dushku as Echo, one of a number of human ‘dolls’ who are programmed to fulfil clients’ fantasies before having their memories erased and being returned to the waiting area that gives the show its name. Entertainment Weekly has posted an exclusive clip from the pilot episode, where we see Echo emerging from a recent memory wipe. You can watch the Dollhouse clip here.

Reports of rewrites and altercations from the set have caused some to worry abour Dollhouse but indications are that Whedon had simply been unhappy with the quality of early scripts and halted production to make a few tweaks so that the show would be up to the standard that his hordes of fans demand. Empire makes no apology for our belief that Whedon is the greatest thing to happen to television since they got rid of those big magnifying glasses you used to have to watch them through and we can’t wait for Dollhouse’s debut on screens next year.

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