First Cloverfield Full Trailer Report

Someone's seen a glimpse

First Cloverfield Full Trailer Report

by Helen O'Hara |
Published on

Our good friend and jammy bastard, Devin from CHUD, has caught a first look at the **Cloverfield **trailer that's due to come out next month attached to Beowulf - and it sounds like at least some of those reports we've been hearing were true.

First of all, according to the title card attached to what Devin was shown, it's still called Cloverfield. Secondly, there are, as rumoured, little beasts as well as big ones, but that doesn't mean it's gotta be Godzilla ('98) all over again - does it? Thirdly, they're still not giving much away, and certainly not giving us any big full-on monster shots - which may not be a bad thing.

For the full story and a blow-by-blow of the trailer, head on over to CHUD.

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