First Cast Images From A Wrinkle In Time Online

Reese Witherspoon in A Wrinkle In Time (crop)

by James White |
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In amongst all the superheroes and action franchises, Selma director Ava DuVernay is promising to bring a little fantastical magic to the screen. Her adaptation of A Wrinkle In Time is headed our way next year, and Entertainment Weekly has the first images from the movie.


Wrinkle has Jennifer Lee adapting Madeleine L'Engle's 1962 children's tale, the start of her Time Quartet series of novels. The story follows the Murry family; especially teenager Meg (Storm Reid) and her genius 5-year-old brother Charles Wallace (Deric McCabe), and Meg's classmate Calvin O'Keefe. Their scientist father (Chris Pine) has gone missing, but after a visit from a mysterious woman called Mrs. Whatsit (Reese Witherspoon), they learn that their father's research may have been more successful than they guessed and that he may have travelled in space and time. The kids end up following his footsteps to a planet called Camazotz, ruled by a giant evil brain called The Black Thing. Along the way, they meet Mrs. Whatsit's fellow mystery women Mrs. Who (Mindy Kaling) and Mrs. Which (Oprah Winfrey).

"I saw so much beauty in it, but also so much meaning. Meg’s a very radical thinker and she embedded her sense of what society should and could be in this piece, and a lot of it I agree with," DuVernay tells EW. "And through that, the story of this girl saving the world and being out there in the universe slaying the darkness, it also says a lot about slaying our own dragons." For more from the director on the movie, head to EW's site.

This promises to be strange and beautiful, and the movie will be out in the UK on 23 March next year.

Reese Witherspoon And Mindy Kaling Eye A Wrinkle In Time

Selma*'s Ava DuVernay Will Direct *A Wrinkle In Time

Chris Pine Joins A Wrinkle In Time

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