Fast & Furious 9 Delayed To May 2021

Fast & Furious 9

by James White |
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It's the foolhardy man who decides to pop the tires on Dominic Toretto and the Fast & Furious team's release plans. But James Bond is that man, since No Time To Die's move from this November to next April has promoted shared studio Universal to move the Fast & Furious 9 date to May 2021.

One of the biggest movies to announce a delay in the early days of the pandemic, F9 is now arriving a month later than previously planned, though at least it hasn't shifted another year (for now).

The film promises what the gang does best: vehicular mayhem in the quest to battle baddies. In this case, the threat comes from the combined forces of John Cena, playing (spoiler alert) Dom's younger brother, and Charlize Theron's returning Cypher, who has more tricks up her sleeve.

Vin Diesel and co. will now drive into cinemas on 28 May next year. Check out the most recent trailer (which still feels like a thousand years ago) below.

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