The Fantasticar Is Spotted At Last

USA Today nabs a pic of the vehicle

The Fantasticar Is Spotted At Last

by empire |
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If you’re really, really excited to see anything from Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer, then your dreams have just come true.

Because USA Today has a shot of the Fantasticar. Well, a bit of it, anyway. The paper has scored a shot of the vehicle’s front end, with our heroes surrounding their new means of transport. The Fantasticar can fly at speeds of up to 500mph and features the ability to split into separate modules, one for each member of the Four (though Johnny Storm tends to fly solo since he’s the only member of the team who can actually fly on his own).

The movie’s model, meanwhile, weighs 4000 pounds and needs a crane to get about, but naturally, there’ll be plenty of CG on hand for when it has to move properly.

Head on over to USA **Today to read the full article.

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