Fall Sequel In The Works After Success On Netflix


by James White |
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Though it didn't set the box office on fire Fall still managed to turn a decent profit, making $17 million from a thrifty $3 million budget. But Scott Mann's high-altitude thriller has been making an impact in another useful metric: scoring well with Netflix viewers, which is now leading into early development of a sequel.

The movie, which debuted last year, saw Shazam!'s Grace Caroline Currey and Halloween's Virginia Gardner as friends who ill-advisedly scale and get stuck up a 2,000-foot radio tower in the desert.

What follows is a tale of hot temperatures, hotter tempers and bad things for a vulture in particular. It'll induce a real feeling of vertigo, especially for those who experienced it on the big screen.

Yet UK production company Tea Shop has seen it find a real home for UK viewers on Netflix, where it has spent time as the second-most viewed movie (behind Luther: The Fallen Sun). “We were pleasantly surprised by how everybody has such a visceral reaction to it,” company co-founder James Harris tells Deadline. “It is one of those movies where word of mouth really helps.” Especially since Netflix effectively acquired it and shoved it onto its servers without fanfare.

"We’ve got a couple of ideas we’re kicking around," Harris adds. "We don’t want to make something that feels like a copycat or less than the first one." The aim is to get moving on any follow-up later this year. Might we suggest Fall 2: Vulture's Revenge, featuring the family of the bird from the original movie?

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