Fall: Second Sequel Greenlit For Survival Thriller


by James White |
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Good news for those who enjoyed the campy/thrilling delights of survival thriller Fall — and potentially terrible news for anyone who fears getting vertigo in a cinema or on their sofa. Following on from word back in March that a sequel was in development to Scott Mann's high-altitude film comes the news that production company Capstone Studios is green lighting not one but two movies.

Fall which debuted last year, saw Shazam!'s Grace Caroline Currey and Halloween's Virginia Gardner as friends who ill-advisedly scale and get stuck up a 2,000-foot radio tower in the desert.

What follows is a tale of hot temperatures, hotter tempers and bad things for a vulture in particular. It'll induce a real feeling of vertigo, especially for those who experienced it on the big screen and it ended up earning more than $20 million at the Stateside box office from a $3 million budget. Most UK viewers, though, first saw it on Netflix, where it became a big hit for the streaming service.

Mann, who wrote and directed the first, will produce the second and return to make the third. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the follow-ups will bring back original characters from the first film while also leaving room for new ones to be introduced.

"I am thrilled to be continuing the Fall journey and taking it to the next level," says Mann. "We’ve got a really special cinematic experience planned and I’m immensely grateful to my fellow producers for backing the vision. I’m also excited to be working with new collaborators as well as reuniting with the original gang, and obviously can’t wait to be back filming thousands of feet up." Fall 2 (whether or not it features the family of the slain vulture from the original looking for revenge remains to be seen) is scheduled to shoot in June next year, so we'll have to hang on for the sequel to arrive.

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