Four Empire stars’ worth of flesh-munching goodness, South Korean horror film The Wailing is winning raves for putting a fresh spin on an old genre. Check out an exclusive new clip below for a glimpse at the ickiness in store.
Its director Na Hong-Jin’s 2008 debut, crime thriller The Chaser, was sufficiently impressive to have had Leonardo DiCaprio scrambling for rights to the remake. This, his third feature, offers a winning mix of black comedy, body horror and, as here, The Walking Dead-style edginess in unlikely locales.
The film opens with a mysterious infection sweeping through a rural village and turning its inhabitants into cold-eyed killers. Soon the media is reaching for someone – or some_thing_ – to blame as society turns in on itself. Not a straightforward gorefest, then, but a subtle poke at the country’s inner life. But, yes, with lots of gore.

See for yourself when The Wailing makes its UK bow on 25 November. Pick up the new issue of Empire for the full review.