Empire Podcast: Wonder Woman Spoiler Special

wonder woman 2

by John Nugent |
Published on

Now the world is ready for you... Last week, Wonder Woman has wondered into cinemas – and into our collective hearts. But it's a slighly unusual Empire Podcast Spoiler Special this time around – usually we have an in-depth discussion with the film's director accompanying our spoilerific chat. Sadly, Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins did not come to the UK for press, so we were unable to interview her. But after popular demand (i.e. about seven tweets), we decided to have a spoilerific chat about the movie anyway.

Four Empire writers swing the lasso of truth around the film and discuss the DCEU's fourth film in forensic detail. As with all Spoiler Specials, there are massive spoilers from the start, so make sure you've seen Wonder Woman before listening.

You can listen to the Empire Podcast via our iTunes page, our SoundCloud page, this RSS feed or by pressing play below.

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