Empire Podcast Hans Zimmer Interview Special

Hans Zimmer

by Chris Hewitt |
Updated on

Who doesn't love a bit of Hans Zimmer blasting through their speakers/earbuds/headphones [delete as applicable]? The legendary Oscar-winning composer has been soundtracking our cinematic lives for decades now, and recently has started taking the show on the road with an incredible live tour and, as of March next year, a live album called Hans Zimmer Live. (See hanszimmerlive.com for more details)

So, when the great man popped into London last week and let it be known he was up for speaking to the Empire Podcast, there was only one person in the Zimmer frame: super-fan Amon Warmann, who popped along to talk to the composer about his live shows, creating the best setlist imaginable, and synths. Lots of synths. As Hans himself might say, 'bloody 'ell!' (That'll make sense in about half an hour, trust us.) Enjoy!


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