Empire Podcast Empire On Jedi: A Return Of The Jedi Special (Live At Star Wars Celebration)

return of the jedi leia jabba

by Chris Hewitt |
Published on

Yub nub, motherfubbers! To celebrate Return Of The Jedi's 40th anniversary (no, of course that doesn't make us feel old), and re-release in cinemas around the world, we bring you a gift that would have impressed even the mighty Jabba the Hutt: the live podcast we recorded a few weeks ago when Star Wars Celebration came to London.

So join Chris Hewitt, Helen O'Hara, Nick de Semlyen, and Ben Travis for a fun-filled hour of bad impressions, even worse opinions, audience questions, and Ewok recipes. Oh, and it's a family show, so no swearies! Enjoy.


Listen to the episode on the pod app of your choice — or via the PlanetRadio player above.

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