Empire Podcast #383: (Not) Live In York Ft. David Koepp, Craig Roberts

David Koepp, Craig Roberts

by Chris Hewitt |
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So, this week's Empire Podcast was meant to be the recording of our latest live show, in front of a wonderful, sold-out audience at CityScreen in York. However, due to circumstances beyond our control, the sound quality of the recording just wasn't good enough. So, instead, Chris Hewitt and James Dyer – just back from York – bundled into the podbooth at Empire Towers to record an emergency pod, along with John Nugent.

In it, they discuss several of the audience questions from the night before, review a whole bunch of films including The Last Tree, Ready Or Not, Hotel Mumbai, and The Goldfinch, and discuss the week's movie news. You'll also hear from David Koepp, the screenwriter of Jurassic Park and author of the new thriller, Cold Storage. And we've managed to salvage most of the interview with the wonderful Craig Roberts, writer/director of Eternal Beauty, who was our guest in York. But be warned: the sound quality might indicate why we're loathe to run the whole show. Enjoy.


Listen to the episode in the player above, on Apple Podcasts, or on your podcast app of choice.

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