Empire Podcast #439: Josh Hartnett, Emily Mortimer

Josh Hartnett, Emily Mortimer

by Chris Hewitt |
Updated on

Josh Hartnett was born in America, but now lives in England. Emily Mortimer was born in England, but now lives in America. That's not why we asked them both to guest on this week's Empire Podcast. That's just an incidental fact with which you can amuse your friends and dazzle your enemies. But they do both guest on this week's show, talking to Chris Hewitt about Target Number One, getting a bottle of wine from Sofia Coppola, and writing (Josh), and Relic, retaining your accent after years of living/working abroad, and writing (Emily). Word of warning: the Emily Mortimer interview delves deep into the subject of death, so tread carefully. Timings are Hartnett:34:03-51:57 and Mortimer: 1:15:53-1:37:15.

Elsewhere, Chris is then joined in the virtual podbooth by Helen O'Hara and James Dyer to discuss the death of Sean Connery, the ideal filmgoing experience, a bunch of horror film news, review About Endlessness, Target Number One, and Luxor, and somehow, despite the fact that there are only two colleagues of such lethal cunning, deliver another instalment of the Three Fact Structure.



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