Empire Issue Preview: The Mandalorian Season 2, Review Of 2020, Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola, Daveed Diggs

Empire February 2021 – cover crop

by Ben Travis |
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We’ve all needed escapism this year – and where better to escape to than the Star Wars galaxy? The arrival of The Mandalorian has been a shining light through the year that was 2020, telling a whole new set of gripping adventures in a fictional universe we all know and love. To celebrate the giddy heights of its recently-concluded second season, Empire brings Mando, Grogu and Ahsoka to the cover for the February 2021 issue – coming to newsstands from Wednesday 23 December, and available to order online here.

Empire – February 2021 – The Mandalorian Season 2 cover

While there's plenty of Baby Yoda inside, there's all kinds of other stuff too – here’s your sneak peak inside this month’s even-more-jam-packed-than-ever issue.

The Mandalorian

Empire – February 2021

As Season 2 of the stellar Star Wars small-screen series comes to an end, Empire presents a massive celebration of the galaxy’s greatest new hero, and his adorable little friend. Here’s what’s inside…

How The Mandalorian United The Star Wars Galaxy

Empire – February 2021

We explore how The Mandalorian has managed to unite the fractious Star Wars fandom, and the secrets of how it gets right to the heart of the galaxy far, far away.

The Magic Of Baby Yoda

Empire – February 2021

The show’s ultimate breakout star was a little guy that nobody saw coming – and nobody can stop talking about: Baby Yoda, aka The Child, aka Grogu. But what does his future hold?

Creating The Ultimate Space Western

Empire – February 2021

If Westerns were always in Star Wars’ DNA, it’s The Mandalorian which brings that influence to the fore. Empire explores how Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni cooked up a space-Western for the ages.

101 Mandalorian Easter Eggs

Empire – February 2021

Who needs Wookieepedia? We trawl through every episode of Mando so far to pick out the nerdiest hidden Easter Eggs and classic Star Wars references – from Loth-cats and Kowakian Monkey-Lizards, to Operation Cinder and the return of Constable Zuvio.

The Future Of Star Wars

Empire – February 2021

Now that Disney has unveiled its full Star Wars slate, there’s a whole galaxy of new adventures to come – from Ahsoka to Andor, Rogue Squadron to Rangers Of The New Republic. Get the low-down on what comes next.

Review Of The Year

Now, it’s not been the year that anyone expected – but among the difficulties of 2020, there have been great movies. Take a look inside our round-up of a particularly unusual 12 months:

Tilda Swinton Interviews Bong Joon Ho

Empire – February 2021

The legendary filmmaker who swept the Oscars with Parasite answers questions laid down by his regular collaborator, screen icon Tilda Swinton.

Aaron Sorkin Writes For Empire

Empire – February 2021

The man behind The West Wing and The Social Network writes exclusively for Empire about the process of writing The Trial Of The Chicago 7

Horror Filmmakers Roundtable

Empire – February 2021

It’s been a great year for horror movies – so Empire gathered Host director Rob Savage, Saint Maud writer-director Rose Glass, The Invisible Man writer-director Leigh Whannell, Relic writer-director Natalie Erika James, and His House writer-director Remi Weekes for an epic horror filmmaker roundtable. On Zoom, of course.

How 2020 Changed Movies

Empire – February 2021

The events of this year have altered the cinematic landscape in huge ways – Empire speaks to the cinema staff, industry workers and streaming services about how things have changed, and what comes next.

All this, and much more – including Empire’s top 20 films of 2020!

Daveed Diggs

Empire – February 2021

From Hamilton and Blindspotting to The Good Lord Bird and beyond, Daveed Diggs is an electrifying multi-talented presence on screen, stage and behind a mic. Empire meets the man fast on his way to becoming a megastar.

Pieces Of A Woman

Empire – February 2021

One of the first films of 2021 is a searing drama that’s both harrowing and hopeful, with a knockout performance from Vanessa Kirby. Empire meets the filmmakers behind a bold feat of storytelling.

Russell T Davies

Empire – February 2021

One of the UK’s most unique showrunners is back with It’s A Sin – an incredibly personal, groundbreaking new series about the experience of gay youth in the 1980s and the rise of the AIDS epidemic. Empire talks to Russell T Davies about its thirty-year genesis.

Tremors Revisited

Empire – February 2021

It’s been just over thirty years since giant-worm creature feature Tremors became an underground hit. Empire looks back at how it all came to be.

On Screen

Empire – February 2021

This month we have reviews of Wonder Woman 1984, body-swapping slasher-comedy Freaky, the new adaptation of Blithe Spirit, Pixar’s Soul, Netflix musical The Prom, Oscar contender One Night In Miami, George Clooney’s apocalyptic sci-fi The Midnight Sky, and much more.

Re View

Empire – February 2021

In a jam-packed home entertainment section, we speak exclusively to the one and only Martin Scorsese one year on from The Irishman, discussing how it’s lingered in his head months after its Netflix release. Plus, Jurassic Park gets the Masterpiece treatment, Better Call Saul showrunner Peter Gould talks us through Season 5, director Carl Franklin talks us through Denzel Washington noir classic Devil In A Blue Dress, and we rank the greatest films of the late, great Sean Connery.

What’s that – you want more? Well, we also speak to the legendary Francis Ford Coppola about his Godfather III re-edit, The Godfather Coda: The Death Of Michael Corleone. Just when you thought you were out, we pulled you back in.

Empire – February 2021

Take 20

Empire – February 2021

In this month’s look at all the film (and TV) moments that matter, we break down all those major Disney reveals of upcoming Marvel and Star Wars series, Pixar movies, Disney originals and more; we explore the fall-out of that bombshell Warner Bros / HBO Max announcement, talk sheep with Sam Neill, have a Q&A with Sir Anthony Hopkins, pay tribute to David Prowse, Ian McShane takes on the Pint Of Milk interview, and much more.

Find the issue on newsstands from Wednesday 23 December – or order a copy online here. This is the way.

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