Empire Classics Presents The Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Ever

Empire Classics sci-fi

by John Nugent |
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As if making the biggest movie magazine in the world wasn't enough, Team Empire is also busy behind-the-scenes working on our new occasional spin-off series Empire Classics. It's our carefully curated celebration of the most iconic films and filmmakers in cinema history. The best of the best, basically. We've already had The Greatest Action Movies Ever, and now we proudly present the next in the series: The Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Ever. You can buy the issue online here.

For this 130-page special edition, we zero in on 55 films that have come to define science-fiction: from dystopian classics like Blade Runner and The Matrix; to outer space epics like Star Wars and 2001: A Space Odyssey; to science-gone-mad fantasies like Jurassic Park and Inception.

Empire Classics: The Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Ever is on sale now, in all good and evil newsagents, or buy the issue online here{ =nofollow}. Fancy winning a sci-fi goodie bag? Test your knowledge of sci-fi movies with our quiz below for a chance of winning.

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