Anything Tom Cruise can do, The Rock can do better? Well, perhaps not exactly, as The Cruiser tends to go for the most realistic stunts possible, and the big leap in the Skyscraper trailer is pure visual trickery. That said, it has the makings of a fun action thriller.
With Central Intelligence director Rawson Marshall Thurber and his burly star channelling a mix of Die Hard and the classic Irwin Allen disaster movies, Skyscraper finds Johnson as former FBI hostage rescue team leader and war veteran Will Sawyer. On assignment in his new gig as a security consultant, he's called in to check out a brand new building in China, touted as the tallest and safest in the world. Only one of those turns out to be true, as the place comes under flaming attack.

With Sawyer framed for the fire, he'll have to take out baddies and save his family, including his wife, played by Neve Campbell.
Skyscraper is headed our way on 13 July.
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