Dwayne Johnson Confirms A Hobbs And Shaw Sequel Is In Development

Hobbs And Shaw

by James White |
Published on

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs And Shaw (yes, that was really the full title across the pond, omitting only the "Presents" here) might not have been the box office behemoth that some of its Fast & Furious franchise fellows often turn into, but, but thanks to a global haul of more than $759 million, sequel chatter started quickly. According to star Dwayne Johnson, it's now in active development.

Answering fan questions on a recent Instagram Live Q&A, the artist occasionally still known as The Rock confirmed some early forward motion on a follow-up. "We are developing now the next film, and I'm pretty excited about it." According to Johnson, "We just gotta figure out the creative right now, and the direction we’re going to go." We'd suggest physics-free madness, but that's just us.

There are several plot threads (if "plot" is truly the word to use in a Fast film) still dangling to be resolved, including the identity of the big bad Eteon organization's boss, and potentially more appearances by Ryan Reynolds and Kevin Hart.

The film was already touted as likely arriving in 2021, though with the year-long push back of F9, expect the next Hobbs & Shaw to take even longer to arrive.

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