DreamWorks says Eat, Sleep, Poop

Another baby book goes cinematic

DreamWorks says Eat, Sleep, Poop

by James White |
Published on

Trend alert! Baby books are suddenly big business in Hollywood, and not just because spoiled stars need treating like infants. Nope, following hot on Lionsgate buying up What To Expect When You're Expecting, DreamWorks has plucked comic child-rearing manual Eat, Sleep, Poop from the bookshelf.

Poop was penned by Beverly Hills pediatrician Scott W Cohen, who found that his views on how to raise a child changed when he had one of his own. He channelled his experiences into his work and ultimately into the book when he pitched it to one of his patients, an executive at a comedy production company. In LA! Who'd-a thunk it, eh?

And now DreamWorks producers Laurie MacDonald and Walter Parkes are trying to turn it into a comedy movie, hiring Four Christmases writers Matt Allen and Caleb Wilson to pump out the script.

Let the jokes begin about new films being "birthed" right…. now.

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