It’s a good time to be a Den Of Thieves die-hard. (They exist!) The Gerard Butler crime-actioner came out way back in 2018 – and this year finally got a belated sequel, Den Of Thieves 2: Pantera, released Stateside in January to a decent US box office reception. And while it’s yet to arrive on UK shores, the early success of the sequel has given its creators the confidence to plough onward with the story of Butler’s ‘Big Nick’ O’Brien: Den Of Thieves 3 has been officially confirmed. ‘Den Of Threeves’, anyone?
The official Den Of Thieves account confirmed the news on social media – and while there’s not much in the way of information yet, there’s much to indicate from the post. The tagging of Butler and O’Shea Jackson Jr (Butler’s co-star in Pantera) heavily indicates that both will return for the threequel. Or, as Jackson puts it:
And going by recent interviews with Christian Gudegast, who wrote and directed both of the first two films, he’s penned the screenplay for the third entry too – it’s likely he’ll return to the director’s chair.
For now, that’s all we know – but hopefully this speeds up Pantera getting a UK release. Now, which metal band do we think the next film will be named after? We’re guessing ‘Den Of 3ves: Metallica’.