When the announcement finally came last week that Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford are indeed going to return to the Indiana Jones films for a fifth adventure, did you find yourself wondering who might write it? Maybe even crossing your fingers for – despite his busy Star Wars schedule – Lawrence Kasdan? Well, now we have the official word that David Koepp will be on script duty.
Koepp is a Spielberg regular, and the man who wrote Jurassic Park, The Lost World: Jurassic Park and War Of The Worlds, among others. Brows have been furrowing, however, because he was also the main writer behind Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull, which was far less well received than its predecessors. And since then, Koepp has worked on the likes of Ghost Town, Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit and last year's lambasted Mortedecai.
Still, Spielberg and co. clearly still believe he can deliver the goods and the fifth film is as yet unmade, so everyone will have to judge it on its merits alone. The plot remains a secret, and there's no word yet on whether George Lucas has been involved at all in coming up with the basic idea. The latest Indy film is currently scheduled for a July 19, 2019 release.
Koepp's next script to hit the screens will be Dan Brown adaptation Inferno, directed by Ron Howard and set for release on October 14