Ever since the **Harry Potter **series started winding down, Warner Bros., along with every other studio in Hollywood, has been on the hunt to find something that can plug the gap once the boy wizard fights his last battle with Voldemort and heads off into cinematic retirement (at least until the inevitable reboot in six months). The latest find? Eli Anderson’s book series The Adventures of Oscar Pill.
And the studio is clearly thinking this might have a solid shot at Potter levels of success, since it has handed the rights to producer David Heyman, the man who shepherded all eight of the Hogwarts-set adventures to the screen.
French writer/doctor Anderson’s novels have an even more intriguing concept than Potter’s tales of a boy who learns he’s a wizard. Oscar discovers the ability to travel within living organisms. He sets out on a journey across the five worlds to the human body on a quest to destroy evil diseases and infections. Oh, and like Harry, he’s also got parental death hanging over his head like a cloud, since his dad carked it in mysterious circumstances.
Anderson wrote five books in the series, which kicked off in 2009. There’s no writer or director attached yet.