First Images Of David Fincher’s New Film Mank Online


by James White |
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David Fincher's signature work has not graced big screens since 2015's Gone Girl, and while his return to movies with Mank after a period spent producing/directing TV will be available on Netflix, there's a good chance the company will opt for a big screen schedule – pandemic permitting. The first images from the film are now available, and you can see them above and in the gallery lower down the page.

Mank chronicles Herman Mankiewicz’s (Gary Oldman) race to finish the “Citizen Kane” screenplay for Orson Welles (Tom Burke). Mankiewicz delivered a 300-page script to Welles, titled “American” which was then heavily edited. He spent time tweaking the script with input and revisions from Welles, whittling things down to a more manageable 156 pages. There was wrangling over who got credit for the screenplay, and while RKO awarded it to Mankiewicz, the film itself lists both him and the director.


Mank images

Amanda Seyfried in Mank1 of 3

Amanda Seyfried in Mank

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Fincher's film also stars Amanda Seyfried as Marion Davies and Lily Collins as Rita Alexander, and finds the director working again with score-masters Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross. Oh, and the screenplay credit this time around should be more clear cut – it comes from Fincher's late father Jack, who wrote it and saw his son try to get it made for years.

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