Dakota Johnson and Matthias Schoenaerts to star in The Sound Of Metal

Dakota Johnson and Matthias Schoenaerts publicising A Bigger Splash

by Owen Williams |
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The title makes it sound like a meeting of Slayer and Julie Andrews. And how awesome would that be? But The Sound Of Metal is shaping up to be a more sober drama, and it's just recruited its first two cast members. Dakota Johnson and Matthias Schoenaerts are joining the band, working together for the second time following A Bigger Splash.

The Sound Of Metal is the first narrative feature by Darius Marder, who previously co-wrote The Place Beyond The Pines and directed the 2008 WWII treasure-hunting documentary Loot. The story involves Schoenaerts as a heavy metal drummer facing a drastic lifestyle change when he realises he's going deaf. Johnson will play the singer in his band. Her metal pipes are presumably in training as we speak. Will she be an Angela Gossow or a Tarja Turunen? We'll see...

The financing isn't yet in place but Marder and co. will presumably be wheeling and dealing at the European Film Market next month. If all goes to plan shooting will start in August. A Bigger Splash arives in the UK on February 12.

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