Christian Bale Confirmed As John Connor

The actor will rise in Terminator 4

Christian Bale Confirmed As John Connor

by Olly Richards |
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When it was rumoured last month that Christian Bale was in talks to play John Connor in McG's Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins, many refused to believe that one of the most discerning actors around would affiliate himself with a sequel that few want to happen. Some put the hands over their ears and started screaming 'La la la, I"M NOT LISTENING'. Others spontaneously vomited. But Variety has confirmed that the rumour is true.

Bale is in final negotiations to play a 30-something John Connor during the battle between humanity and Skynet. Very little is known of the story other than that, but there are now rumours that Connor may be only a supporting role in the movie, rather than the lead.

It's fair to say that we've not been fans of McG's work up to now, but we have to believe that this movie must have something going for it for Bale to sign up to it. Since he's aquired some power of choice in the filmmaking community, i.e. post-Batman Begins, he's not signed up for a movie that wasn't at the very least interesting, even if not ultimately entirely successful. Could Terminator 4 turn out to actually be good?

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