Charlie Wilson’s War Trailer Online

Now that's A-listy

Charlie Wilson's War Trailer Online

by Olly Richards |
Published on

The trailer for Charlie Wilson's War, starring Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts, has gone live here. And slap our ass and call us Bambi if it isn't surprisingly chucklesome.

You hear the names Mike Nichols, Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Afghanistan war put together and you think high quality, if slightly worthy, drama. But this brief clip packs plenty of laughs.

In the based-on-truth story, Hanks plays the titular Charlie Wilson, a Texas congressman who, with the help of a Houston socialite (Roberts) and less than upstanding CIA agent (Hoffman), conspires to help the Afghan Mujahadeen fight off Soviet invasion. But in a funny way.

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